Join our weekly online Wednesday service of Prayer, Meditation and Devotion.
Our next service is: Wednesday, February 19th at 6:30pm Pacific Time
Join Zoom Meeting
Personal Meeting ID: 863 9603 0903
The song for Wednesday, February 19th: El Shaddai Elohim
El Shaddai, Shaddai Elohim
El Shaddai, Shaddai Elohim
Elohim Shaddai Elohim
El Shaddai, Shaddai Elohim
Elohim Shaddai Elohim
El Shaddai, Shaddai Elohim
Elohim Shaddai Elohim
El Shaddai, Shaddai Elohim
Page 34, #88
Order of Service
Opening Prayer, which begins with: Heavenly Father, Divine Mother, Friend, Beloved Almighty God and ends with a moment of silence
Worship Song – the song for each week is posted online the Tuesday evening before meditation.
Meditation – the worship leader leads the group in a 15-20 minute meditation
Healing Prayers after meditation
Heavenly Father
Thou Art Omnipresent
Thou Art in Me
Thou Art in All Thy Children
Manifest Thy Healing Presence In our bodies, our minds, our souls and bring peace and prosperity to all countries of the world
Inspirational Message**
**On the fourth Wednesday of each month, Baba Moses leads a Satsang or question and answer session in lieu of a message.
Offering, Closing Prayers and Affirmation
Group Prayer/Affirmation
This year, I live my life freely and fully
In accordance with God’s will for me
Closing Song: Peace, Salaam, Shalom.
Meditation/Service ends quietly